Published - 2020/06/16
Forest Industry, Healthcare Industry, Industry & services
Take advantage of our virtual Future Lab method
Don't lose momentum, take this exceptional opportunity and reach out to your most important stakeholders. Meet, discuss, gain insights and inspire your target groups with our virtual meeting method. Mixing live broadcasting with interactive on-line discussions under the guidance of our experienced moderators.
It’s not only about Covid-19, but this is also the way modern meetings should be. Time efficient, cost-efficient. Flexible. And good for the environment. The Future Lab process is ideal when launching or testing new concepts, solutions or services. It increases strategic communication with key stakeholders and boosts knowledge about their expectations and requirements. The process also creates an open and innovative atmosphere designed to identify future trends and opportunities. Future Lab will help raise awareness and shows the market that your company is a front-runner in the industry.
So why not take the initiative during these challenging circumstances? As we speak, we are conducting several international research and marketing projects, and it’s proving easier than ever to get hold of people since most are now working from home!